Born 1981 Cambridge, MA, USA
lives and works in London



Solo Exhibitions

Fallible Space, The Bluecoat, Liverpool, UK
Derivative Value, Overbeek Gesselschaft, Luebeck, DE Female Genius, Vleeshall, Middleburg, NL
The Gesture is a Joke, Deweer Gallery, BE

Mimetic Pleasures, Boesky East, New York, USA
Confusion Condition, Cosar HMT, Dusseldorf, DE
Modern Surfaces, Deweer Gallery, BE (with “Boomerang”, Richard Serra) ZOOOOM, Juliette Jongma Amsterdam, NL

Material Evidence, Spike Island, Bristol, UK
Blow Up Modernists, Cosar HMT, Dusseldorf, DE

Structures for Viewing, Marianne Boesky Gallery, NY

Collisions, (with Jessica Wiesner), Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam NL

A Lonely Crowd, Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York, USA Two-Dimensional Men, Ancient & Modern, London, UK

Dirty Tricks of an Age of Moral Turpitude, Cosar HMT, Düsseldorf, DE
War of the Ghosts, Galerie Juliette Jongma Amsterdam, NL

ABN AMRO Kunstprijs, ABN AMRO, Amsterdam, NL* Exquisite Corpse, Ancient and Modern, London, UK

The Only Man in There, Cosar HMT, Düsseldorf, DE * Genealogies Part II, Preview Art Fair, with Cosar HMT, Berlin, DE * Genealogies Part I, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, NL

What you can’t see could kill you, De Ateliers, Amsterdam, NL

Group Exhibitions

During the exhibition the studio will be close, curated by Lorenzo Benedetti, Wiels
Contemporary Art Centre, Brussels, BE
Biënnale van de Schilderkunst, Roger Raveelmuseum, Mechelen and Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, BE
Structures for Viewing, Deweer Gallery, BE

HERstories, Bonner Kunstverein, with Rita McBride and Marlene Dumas, DE
Yellowing of the Lunar Consciousness, curated by Andrea Bruciati, Galleria Massimo Deluca, Venice, IT
15 for 50, Art on the Underground, London UK
And Beyond Painting, Cosar HMT, Dusseldorf, DE
Specific Collisions, Marianne Boesky Uptown Gallery, NY *

Parallax Curtain, S1, Sheffield, UK
Art & Press, Zentrum for Kunst und Media, Karlsruhe, DE Re-Opening, Deweer Gallery, Ottigem, Belgium, BE *

Kunstverein Malkasten, Dusseldorf, DE
Fact Mystic, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam, NL
Art & Press, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin , DE*
Art in the Parking Space, LAX Art, Los Angeles, USA
No Comment, LABOUR launch and performance, Kunsthall Oslo, NO

Future Forward, The Temporary Stedelijk, Amsterdam, NL
Theatre of Pain, Performance, Ancient & Modern, London UK
5×5, Espai d ́art contemporani de Castelló, Castelló, ES
Ever Changing Moods, Performance, Autoitalia, London UK Madame Reaslism, curated by Lisette Smits, Marres Center for Contemporary Culture, Maastricht, NL (LINK: ) Specific Collisions, Telephone Painting, Cosar HMT, Dusseldorf, DE Group Velocity, Märkisches Museum Witten, DE

Dorothea von Stetten Kunstprijs, Kunstmuseum Bonn, DE
Philara Project Space, Dusseldorf, DE
Monumentalism(e), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL Lush Life, Scaramouche Gallery, New York, USA
Precarity and the Butter Tower, CTRL Gallery, Houston, USA
Paying A Visit to Mary, Aldrich Museum, Ridgefield, CN, USA
AIR Biennale, Ewing Gallery, Knoxville, TN*
The Library of Babel/In and Out of Place, Zabludowicz Collection, London UK

Your Gold Teeth, Marianne Boesky Gallery, NY, USA
Pictural Abstraction, Tache-Levy Gallery, Brussels, BE Variations on a Theme, Kavi Gupta Gallery, Chicago, USA
All Cretans Are Liars, Said the Cretan, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam NL
Mental Puberty, STORE Gallery, London, UK

Rebell, Art and Feminsm 1969-2009, MMKA, Arnhem, NL True Lies, Kunsthaus Essen, DE
PRIVAT, Heydt-Museum Wuppertal, DE
I Love the BeNELux, Virgil de Voldere Gallery, New York, USA

Prague Triennale, National Gallery, Prague, CZ
Something and Something Else, Museum Van Bommel Van Dam, Venlo, NL
DUMA, Wiels Contemporary Art Center, Brussels, BE
Black Bile, Red Humour, b05 Art and Design Center, Montebaur, DE* Early Bird, Kunstverein Dorsten, DE

Ballet Mécanique, Timothy Taylor Gallery, London, UK
The Painted Object, Harris Lieberman, New York, USA
Dealing with Reality, Museum voor Moderne Kunst, Arnhem, NL Showroom, Mai 36, Zürich, CH
Lost and Found, Shedhalle, Zürich, CH
Compilation III, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, DE
The Collector’s Art, Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, DE

Among the Ash Heaps and Millionaires, Ancient and Modern, London, UK Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Pictorial Research, Art Agents Gallery, Hamburg, DE
Wild At Heart, Kunst RAI, De Ateliers, Amsterdam, NL

Koninklijke Prijs voor Vrije Schilderkunst 2005, GEM, Museum voor Actuele Kunst, Den Haag, NL *
Terra non Firma, Howard House Gallery, Seattle, USA
Voices, Rotermann’s Salt Storage Contemporary Art Museum, Tallinn, EE


WE (Not I) Artist Space, NY
WE (Not I) Flat Time House and South London Gallery, NY (LINK: )

Tenderbooks: Launch of Peter Dreher with Lynne Tillman, Michael Archer, David Batchelor and Antony Spira
PERSONA Launch: Printed Matter, NYC, with Eva Kenny and Jen Liu PERSONA Launch: Kunstverein NL, Amsterdam with Maria Guggenbichler PERSONA Launch: Spike Island, Bristol, with Sue Tate
PERSONA Launch: Aye-Aye Books, CCA, Glasgow: Readings on Embarassment
PERSONA Launch: Education Research Centre, Liverpool: East Coast/West Coast with Jessica Wiesner
PERSONA Launch: Archive Books, Berlin, with Karolin Meunier
PERSONA Launch: Bureau Publik, Copenhagen, with Marina Vishmidt: On the Drop Out

PERSONA Launches:
Showroom, London: Shulamith Firestone Reading Group S1, Sheffield, With Allison J Carr
Kunstakademie Dusseldorf with Rita McBride


2003-05 De Ateliers, Amsterdam, NL
2002 Cooper Union School of Art, New York, USA
1999-2003 BFA Painting/Printmaking, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, USA


Eva Kenny, Painting Behind Itself, Marianne Boesky Gallery
Marina Vishmidt, Marie-Anne McQuay, Mina Loy; Material Evidence,

Sternberg Press
and Spike Island (with Kaisa Lassinaro)
Lorenzo Benedetti; During the Exhibition the studio will be close, Motto and Wiels
Contemporary Art Center

Specific Collisions, with Will Holder, Marianne Boesky Gallery, NY Yellowing of the Lunar Consciousness

Art & Press, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin Re-opening, Deweer, Belgium
Bulletin, with Ciara Phillips, Spike Island

5 x 5, Espai d ́art contemporani de Castelló

Dorothea von Stetten Kunstpreis 2010, Kunstmuseum Bonn Monumentalism(e), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL Paying a Visit to Mary, Aldrich Museum

Artist in Residence Biennial Exhibition, Ewing Gallery
The Library of Babel/In and Out of Place, Zabludowicz Collection

Privat, Kunstsammlung in Wuppertal

Black Bile, Red Humor, Salon Verlag

Xander Karskens, Natasha Soobramanien, Robert Meijer, Nicely Dry, ABN AMRO (with Irma Boom)
Stefanie Kreuzer, Compilation III, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

NO BIO, Melissa Gordon, with Ancient & Modern

Dominic van den Boogerd, Marlene Dumas, Wild at Heart, De Ateliers, Art Amsterdam
Tom Morton, The Only Man In There, Cosar HMT
Genealogies, Cosar HMT and Galerie Juliette Jongma

Ann Demeester, Koninklijke Prijs voor Vrije Schilderkunst 2005, Stichting Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam


Eva Kenny “Melissa Gordon”, Girls Like Us, Winter 2014
William J. Simmons, Repainting The Readymade, Hyperallergic, November 6,

Artinfo, 10 Questions For Artist Melissa Gordon, October 20, 2014 Hartog Jager “Melissa Gordon maakt kunst die niet goed mag zijn”, NRC Handelblaad,
1.05.2014, p.33
Marc Ruyters, “Banaal Wordt Spannend”, H-Art, 13.02.2014, p. 27

Natasha Soobramanien, “Melissa Gordon, Spike Island, Bristol”, Frieze Issue 158, October 2013 p. 256
Skye Sherwin, “Melissa Gordon”, The Guardian Guide, 06-12 July 2013

Maxine Kopsa, ‘Conceptual Sex’, Metropolis M, September 2012

Andrea Alessi, ‘Collisions’, Art Slant Picks, September 14, 2010 Artist Section, Metropolis M, April/May 2010 p. 48-53

Laura McLean-Ferris “Art Brussels”, Art Review, April 24, 2009 NADA Emerging Artist, L Magazine, New York,

Frankfurter Allegemeine,
Maria Barnas, “Vertekenen 2”, in: NRC, Amsterdam, May 2, 2008, p 7 Wytske Visser, in: Kunstbeeld, April, 2008
“Rita McBride talks to Melissa Gordon”, in: NY Arts Magazine, January- February

Ossian Ward, “The Gothic Vault”, in: Time Out London,, January 2-8, 2008, p 41
NOW, Rupert Smyth, Hallso press

Magdalena Holzhey , “Compilation III”, in: Vernissage, Nr. 01/2007 Helga Meister, “Im imaginären Museum”, in: K.West, Mai 2007 “Compilation III”, in: LOOXX, Nr. 01/2007
Helga Meister, “Malerische Entdeckungsreise am Grabbeplatz”, in: Westdeutsche Zeitung, 25 May, 2007

Thomas Lawson, ‘Happy Times’, ARCO 2006 A Retrospective, p.120/121 Paola van der Velde, “Mata Hari op de Kunstrai”, in: De Telegraaf, 2 May,

Sandra Spijkerman, “Tussen pixel en pigment”, Kunstbeeld, March, 2006, p. 14-18
Ossian Ward, “Melissa Gordon, Genealogies Part I”, in: Modern Painters, April 2006, p. 119-20

Rutger Pontzen, “Romantische bewondering voor de natuur”, in: De Volkskrant, 14 October, 2005

Edo Dijksterhuis, “Jonge schilders Koninklijk onderscheiden”, in: Het Financieele Dagblad, 8 October, 2005


2013 Cove Park
2013 Spike Print, Spike Island, Bristol
2010 Dorothea von Stetten Shortlist, Kunstmuseum Bonn, DE
2010 Artist In Residence, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA 2008 Wiels Contemporary Art Center, Artist in Residence, Brussels, BE 2007 ABN AMRO Kunstprijs
2005 Koninklijke Prijs voor Vrije Schilderkunst / Royal Prize for Painting, Amsterdam, NL
2003 Florence Leif Award, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, USA


Specific Collisions, Marianne Boesky Uptown Space, 2012
Specific Collisions, Telephone Painting, Cosar HMT, Dusseldorf, DE, 2010 Wendy House, New York Rio Tokyo, Berlin, 2007


Editor, LABOUR.and PERSONA, Independent Publications
Organizer, ‘A conversation to know a conversation to be had’: Dexter Sinister, Kunstverein Amsterdam, Salon Populaire, Raven Row, 2010-11


Kunstverien, Amsterdam, NL Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York ABN AMRO, Amsterdam, NL Galerie Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam MMKA, Arnhem, NL Cosar HMT, Dusseldorf
Deweer Gallery, Belgium


Lecturer of Fine Art, Goldsmiths University, London

